CA State Parks, State Parks by Location

Explore Butano State Park: Your Ultimate Guide for Adventure

Butano State Park

Welcome to Butano State Park, a nature lover’s paradise nestled in the heart of California. With its tranquil forests, diverse wildlife, and range of outdoor activities, Butano State Park is the ultimate destination for adventure seekers like you. Whether you’re camping under the stars, hiking through scenic trails, or simply enjoying the park’s natural beauty, there’s something for everyone at Butano State Park.

Located in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Butano State Park offers over 40 miles of hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to strenuous climbs. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, squirrels, and numerous bird species. With its lush forests and serene meadows, Butano State Park is a nature lover’s dream come true.

  • Butano State Park is the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for adventure in California
  • The park offers a range of activities, including camping, hiking, and wildlife watching
  • With over 40 miles of hiking trails, Butano State Park is a hiker’s paradise
  • The park is home to diverse wildlife, including deer, squirrels, and numerous bird species
  • Butano State Park’s natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere make it an ideal getaway for those seeking a peaceful retreat in nature

Camping in Butano State Park

If you want to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of Butano State Park, camping is the way to go. With over 20 campsites available, you can choose between walk-in, hike-in, or drive-in sites, depending on your preference.

The campsites offer a range of amenities, including picnic tables, fire pits, and access to restrooms and showers. Note that there is no electricity or water hookups available, so plan accordingly.

If you plan to camp during peak season, it is recommended that you make a reservation ahead of time to secure your spot. Reservations may be made up to six months in advance and can be made online or by phone.

Tips for a successful camping experience

  • Be sure to bring plenty of warm clothing and bedding, as temperatures can drop significantly at night.
  • Store your food properly to prevent attracting wildlife to your campsite
  • Follow the park’s quiet hours and be respectful of your fellow campers
  • Leave no trace by packing out all trash and leaving your campsite clean

Overall, camping in Butano State Park offers a unique and unforgettable experience surrounded by the park’s natural beauty.

Camping in Butano State Park

Hiking Trails in Butano State Park

If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, Butano State Park offers some of the best hiking trails in California. With over 40 miles of trails, ranging from easy to strenuous, there’s something for everyone.

One of the most popular trails is the Jackson Flats Trail, a 2.5-mile loop that winds through a lush redwood forest, offering stunning views of the park’s natural beauty. If you’re looking for a more challenging hike, try the Six Bridges Trail, a 6.5-mile trek that takes you across six picturesque bridges.

For a unique hiking experience, check out the Little Butano Creek Trail, a 5.5-mile trail that follows the creek and gives you a chance to spot some of the park’s wildlife. Keep an eye out for deer, squirrels, and a variety of birds.

While you’re out on the trails, make sure to follow Leave No Trace principles and keep the park clean and pristine for generations to come.

Trail Name Distance Difficulty
Jackson Flats Trail 2.5 miles Easy
Six Bridges Trail 6.5 miles Moderate
Little Butano Creek Trail 5.5 miles Moderate

If you’re planning on hiking in Butano State Park, make sure to bring appropriate footwear, plenty of water, and a trail map. The park’s terrain can be rugged, and the weather can change quickly, so be sure to check the forecast before you head out.

hiking trail in Butano State Park

Nature Attractions in Butano State Park

Butano State Park boasts some of the most breathtaking natural attractions in California. The park’s lush forests, serene meadows, and scenic viewpoints will take your breath away.

The park’s stunning redwood trees are one of the main attractions. These towering giants are some of the tallest trees in the world, reaching heights of over 300 feet. Walking through the forest, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to an enchanted land filled with towering trees, cool shade, and fresh air. The experience is truly magical.

The park’s meadows are also a sight to behold. They’re covered in wildflowers during the spring and summer months, making for a beautiful backdrop for a picnic or a leisurely stroll.

If you’re looking for scenic viewpoints, head to the Candelabra Trees Trail. The trail leads you to a grove of trees that are shaped like a candelabra.

Another must-see natural attraction in Butano State Park is the Mill Ox Trail. This trail follows a creek and takes you through a beautiful canyon. Along the way, you’ll see waterfalls, forests, and wildlife.

When visiting the park, be sure to take your time and soak in the natural beauty that surrounds you. It’s an experience you’ll never forget.

nature attractions in Butano State Park

Wildlife in Butano State Park

Butano State Park is home to a diverse range of wildlife that can be spotted throughout the park. From furry mammals to feathered birds, the park’s ecosystem is a treasure trove of wildlife sightings. Keep your eyes peeled and your camera ready for these common species:

  • Black-tailed deer: a common sight in the park, especially during the fall mating season
  • Acorn woodpecker: recognizable by its black and white striped head and bright red crown
  • Gray fox: a shy nocturnal animal that can occasionally be spotted during the day
  • Steller’s jay: a striking bird with bright blue feathers and a distinctive crest
  • Western gray squirrel: a large and furry squirrel species that is endemic to California

While it can be thrilling to spot wildlife up close, remember to keep a safe distance from all animals and never feed them. This helps protect both you and the animals. It’s important to remember that Butano State Park is home to many species that are protected by law, so it is crucial to respect their habitat and not disturb it.

wildlife in Butano State Park

Park Facilities and Amenities

Butano State Park offers a range of facilities and amenities to enhance your outdoor experience. Whether you’re planning a picnic, need a restroom break, or are looking for information on the park, you’ll find everything you need here.

Picnic Areas

There are two designated picnic areas in the park: Campfire Center and the Northern Trailhead picnic area. Both areas have picnic tables, barbecues, and water faucets. The Campfire Center also has a large amphitheater for campfire programs and ranger talks.

picnic area in Butano State Park


Restrooms are located at the parking lots of the trailheads and the campground. They are usually well-maintained and stocked with toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Please pack out all trash and leave the restrooms clean for the next visitor.

Visitor Center

Butano State Park does not have a visitor center, but there is a park office at the entrance where you can find maps, brochures, and other useful information. Rangers are available to answer any questions you may have.

Water and Showers

The park does not have running water or showers, so be sure to bring your own water supply. If you need to refill, there are water faucets available at the picnic areas and campground. Showers are available for a fee at nearby private campgrounds and RV parks.


Some areas of the park are wheelchair accessible, but many of the trails are steep and unpaved. The park recommends visitors with mobility issues to contact the park office for recommendations on accessible trails and areas.


Parking is available at all trailheads and picnic areas. There is a $10 fee per vehicle for day use, or you can purchase an annual California State Parks Pass for $125.

Best Time to Visit Butano State Park

Butano State Park is beautiful year-round, but certain times of the year are particularly special. The best time to visit depends on your interests and the experience you want to have. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect during each season:

Season What to Expect
Spring The park comes to life with blooming wildflowers, rushing creeks, and fresh growth in the forests. The weather is mild, but rain is common, so bring rain gear and check for trail closures before heading out.
Summer The warm, dry weather is perfect for camping, hiking, and picnicking. The park can get crowded, so make reservations early and arrive early to secure a parking spot.
Fall The crisp, cool air and changing leaves make fall a popular time to visit. It’s also a great time for birdwatching and wildlife spotting. Be prepared for chilly evenings and possible rain.
Winter The park is quiet and peaceful in winter, with few visitors and occasional snowfall. The hiking is still excellent, but be prepared for cold, wet weather and possible trail closures.

No matter when you visit, be sure to check the park’s website for current conditions and any alerts that may affect your plans.

Best Time to Visit Butano State Park

Planning Your Trip to Butano State Park

Planning a trip to Butano State Park requires some preparation, but the effort is worth it to experience the park’s natural beauty and outdoor adventure activities. Here are some tips to help you plan your trip:


If you plan on camping at Butano State Park, make sure to reserve your campsite in advance. Reservations can be made online or by phone up to six months in advance and are highly recommended, especially during peak season.

Park Hours

Be aware of the park’s hours of operation, as they can change depending on the season. Butano State Park is generally open daily from sunrise to sunset, although some facilities may close earlier.


Butano State Park has multiple parking lots available throughout the park. Parking fees may apply, so bring cash or credit card to pay for parking at the self-registration stations located at each parking lot.

What to Bring

When visiting Butano State Park, make sure to bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and appropriate clothing for the weather and outdoor activities. It’s also a good idea to bring snacks, a first aid kit, and a map of the park.


Butano State Park offers accessible facilities and trails for visitors with disabilities. The park’s visitor center is wheelchair accessible, and some of the trails are wide and flat, with accessible restrooms available.


The weather in Butano State Park can be unpredictable. Be prepared for sudden changes in temperature and weather conditions, especially during the winter months. Check the weather forecast before your trip and bring appropriate clothing and gear.

By following these tips, you can plan a safe and enjoyable trip to Butano State Park. Don’t forget to check out the park’s camping options, hiking trails, natural attractions, and wildlife, and take advantage of the park’s facilities and amenities.

Planning Your Trip to Butano State Park

Safety and Leave No Trace Principles

As you explore Butano State Park, it’s important to keep safety in mind. The park’s natural beauty can be breathtaking, but it also presents certain hazards. Be aware of your surroundings, stay on designated trails, and avoid hazardous areas, such as steep cliffs and unstable rock formations.

Additionally, the park encourages visitors to follow Leave No Trace principles, which promote responsible outdoor practices to minimize human impact on the environment. This includes packing out all trash, staying on designated trails, and respecting wildlife and natural resources. By practicing these principles, you can help preserve Butano State Park for future generations to enjoy.

Safety in Butano State Park

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when exploring any wilderness area. By following these guidelines and respecting the park’s natural resources, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.

Exploring Beyond Butano State Park

While Butano State Park offers an abundance of natural beauty and adventure, the surrounding area is also worth exploring. Here are a few nearby attractions to consider adding to your trip itinerary:

  • Big Basin Redwoods State Park: Located just 20 miles north of Butano, Big Basin is known for its towering redwood trees and scenic hiking trails.
  • Pigeon Point Lighthouse: This historic lighthouse is located about 30 miles south of Butano and offers stunning ocean views.
  • Pescadero State Beach: If you’re looking for a day of sun, sand, and surf, head to this nearby beach about 10 miles west of Butano.

Of course, these are just a few suggestions. The area around Butano State Park is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Consider talking to locals or stopping by a visitor center to gather more ideas for exploring the region.

As you plan your trip to Butano State Park, keep in mind that there is plenty to see and do beyond the park’s borders. Whether you’re looking for more outdoor adventure, local history and culture, or simply a change of scenery, the surrounding area has something to offer.

wildlife in Butano State Park


Congratulations! You’ve just embarked on a journey through one of California’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring natural treasures. Butano State Park offers an ultimate adventure destination where you can camp, hike, and immerse yourself in nature like never before.

We hope this guide has provided you with all the information you need to fully explore and enjoy everything this amazing park has to offer. From the serene meadows and lush forests to the diverse wildlife and captivating natural attractions, there’s something for everyone at Butano State Park.

Remember to plan your trip ahead of time, and use the resources available to ensure a safe and responsible visit. With a little preparation, you’ll be able to enjoy all the wonders and beauty of Butano State Park while preserving it for future generations to come.

Ready to start your own adventure?

Don’t wait any longer! Grab your gear, pack your bags, and get ready to explore Butano State Park. Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a first-time visitor, this park is sure to leave a lasting impression on you.

So what are you waiting for? The adventure of a lifetime awaits!


Q: What are the main attractions and activities at Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park offers a range of attractions and activities, including camping, hiking, exploring nature, and wildlife spotting. The park’s lush forests, scenic viewpoints, and diverse wildlife make it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Q: What camping options are available in Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park provides camping options with amenities such as picnic areas, restrooms, and visitor centers. Campsites are located in various areas within the park, and reservations can be made in advance to ensure a successful camping experience.

Q: What hiking trails can I explore in Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park offers a variety of hiking trails suitable for different fitness levels. Popular trails include the Butano Rim Trail, the Goat Hill Trail, and the Six Bridges Trail. These trails provide opportunities to immerse yourself in the park’s natural beauty and discover stunning viewpoints along the way.

Q: What are the main nature attractions in Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park is known for its lush forests, serene meadows, and captivating natural features. Visitors can explore the park’s diverse flora and fauna, enjoy picnics in scenic spots, and experience the tranquility of this beautiful natural oasis.

Q: What wildlife can I expect to see in Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park is home to a variety of wildlife species, including deer, birds, squirrels, and more. Wildlife conservation is a priority in the park, and visitors are encouraged to observe animals from a distance and respect their natural habitats.

Q: What facilities and amenities are available in Butano State Park?

A: Butano State Park offers several facilities and amenities to enhance visitors’ experience. These include picnic areas, restrooms, visitor centers, and other useful amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Q: When is the best time to visit Butano State Park?

A: The best time to visit Butano State Park depends on personal preferences and interests. Each season offers unique experiences, from wildflower blooms in spring to vibrant fall foliage. There may also be special events or natural phenomena to consider when planning your visit.

Q: What practical tips should I know when planning a trip to Butano State Park?

A: When planning your trip to Butano State Park, consider factors such as parking availability, permits, and nearby accommodations. Gathering information and resources in advance will help you make the most of your adventure in the park.

Q: What safety practices should I follow in Butano State Park?

A: Ensuring your safety and practicing responsible outdoor behavior is crucial in Butano State Park. Follow guidelines for activities such as hiking and camping, and remember to leave no trace to preserve the park’s natural beauty for future visitors.

Q: What are some nearby attractions to explore beyond Butano State Park?

A: If you’re looking to explore beyond Butano State Park, nearby attractions include quaint towns, other parks, or unique natural landmarks. These places offer additional opportunities for adventure and discovery.

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